Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fractal Geometry Analysis

Characteristics of Fractal Compositions

[Reference Wolfgang, E. Lorenz. ‘Fractals and Fractal Architecture’. Vienna: University of Technology, 2001]

- Fractals have infinite length, when viewed at a small scale

- They can’t be described by one perameter, like euclidean geometry however in 2D each point of a fractal can be mapped with two co-ordinates (x,y).

- Their composition is defined by a heirachy of geometric size that usually possesses elements all of the same proportion.

- The rate at which the geometry of the elements in the fractal composition decrease/increase in size can be regarded as ‘the rate of infinity’1.

- The ‘self-similarity’ characteristic of fractals enables them to be measured in relation to themselves ( ie. self comparitive analysis.)

(Below: sketches of analysis)

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